
Hey guys. Any of you interested in being a beta readers for a new book I'm working on? Please keep in mind this will be a horror experience and likely have some mature content so I'd rather you were in your older teens before agreeing. Also if you have any specific triggers please let me know and I will get someone else to read a certain chapter if said triggers are present as I don't want to upset you with my work. 
          	Story description: Joshua Coeur and Reggie are two 19 year old boys who want to help both the living and dead and decided the best way to do so is opening a ghost investigation group. Using YouTube to spread themselves out as neither of them had the money to just hire their own TV crew and both felt it would feel less faked this way. Reggie, having no powers of his own mostly just mans camera and makes commentary now and again. Joshua is a medium and uses his knowledge in the paranormal to help the spirits to find their resting place as well as assist any humans who might be in harm's way.
          	This description is likely to change as time goes but is the base premiums thus far. Please let me know if you're interested. Just be warned I prefer longer chapters so expect anything between 1-5k words or more. I do also work so I might not always have the ready regularly but will do my best.


Hey guys. Any of you interested in being a beta readers for a new book I'm working on? Please keep in mind this will be a horror experience and likely have some mature content so I'd rather you were in your older teens before agreeing. Also if you have any specific triggers please let me know and I will get someone else to read a certain chapter if said triggers are present as I don't want to upset you with my work. 
          Story description: Joshua Coeur and Reggie are two 19 year old boys who want to help both the living and dead and decided the best way to do so is opening a ghost investigation group. Using YouTube to spread themselves out as neither of them had the money to just hire their own TV crew and both felt it would feel less faked this way. Reggie, having no powers of his own mostly just mans camera and makes commentary now and again. Joshua is a medium and uses his knowledge in the paranormal to help the spirits to find their resting place as well as assist any humans who might be in harm's way.
          This description is likely to change as time goes but is the base premiums thus far. Please let me know if you're interested. Just be warned I prefer longer chapters so expect anything between 1-5k words or more. I do also work so I might not always have the ready regularly but will do my best.


Guys I just want to apologize for not updating more often. I swear I try to but often times when I have the opportunity I can't think of anything. I promise to try and get better at this. I also promise to try and update by last updated to get some of the ones who have waited longer their stories. That you all for your support and I will do my best from this point on


Okay, so I want to do a quick check. I know I can look at the views and see which story has been clicked on more but I want to hear from you guys. Which story do you want me to focus on first? I'm also probably gonna be adding a few other stories to my page as I sort through some papers and old stories I wrote so don't feel like you have to comment right away. But anything would be helpful.


I don't know how many of you will actually respond to this but out of all the stories I have up which do you like most? I ask as those will be the ones I try to focus more on from now until they're complete. And even if you don't like any of them say so and I'll try to put up something from a different fandom. I have many stories written out just don't want to have to many uncompleted, or well more then what I have unless no one wants to read the ones I have.


Okay so I know no one probably cares but I've had a bad spout of lack of motivation. I chapter's to type I just don't feel like typing them. But I found a contest that's got me interested. I'm hoping that by entering it I'll get my mojo back and will be able to update more for you guys. I will try to get that done as soon as I can so that I can be updating my other stories. I have a month for it so If I can get a good amount done each day I may just type some of my other stories out as well. Just don't expect that to be every day. I do still work so It won't be easy getting everything done. I swear to do my best though. Plus I'm off Monday so I may get some extra time then.


Hey guys. I've kind of been lacking a lot in motivation as of lately which is why I haven't been updating as I should be. I will try to get something out but I can't promise that it'll be something I've already started or something entirely random but I'll have something for you guys today.


I'm currently focusing only on two works for the time being. Truth's and Misstruths as well as Son of the Pharaoh. My reason for this is that they are doing well on a different website and that is giving me inspiration for them, well and I already had some chapters planned out for theses though that is the case for most of the stories I have uploaded. 
          If there is a story you would like to see updated or added onto do feel free to say so and I will make sure to at least upload a chapter before the end of the week.