
The 9th Ruffled chapter is way longer than I excpected it to be. I've been working on it a lot lately (I still am) and I think you won't be disappointed. At least I hope so. But to the very (veryvery) few people that are waiting for the update, please be just a little more patient.


@NikitaKlaus I can be. I am ready!


The 9th Ruffled chapter is way longer than I excpected it to be. I've been working on it a lot lately (I still am) and I think you won't be disappointed. At least I hope so. But to the very (veryvery) few people that are waiting for the update, please be just a little more patient.


@NikitaKlaus I can be. I am ready!


please update. I know updates for fanfic can take awhile, but your Fanfic is one of the only ones I've seen that actually keep going, and don't stop at two chapters.


@ FluffehHairz  It's just I'm not the  "hey guys my grandma just died and i'm at the hospital some nurse just chopped off my hands by accident and i think i just caught ebola from the sneezing lady next to me. i had to type with my toes but oh well i love you so much so here's your update" type of person. Though i really want to be.


Thanks for the votes and comments! It is nice to have my favorite Non-Warriors related Wattpadder to just waltz over and say a bunch of things. Thanks again. And, the next chapter will be up soon.


@ FluffehHairz  It's nothing. We're all just here trying to get a little dream come true after all


The inspiration for the next Ruffled chapter just kicked so hard I'm gonna give birth to it right now !


@ NikitaKlaus  It's all planned and the dialogues are written :D You sure as hell won't be disappointed ! I'm sorry if my updates are slow but I kind of have reasons :/ All I can say is that you're gonna looove the next chapter ! 


@NikitaKlaus So excited! Don't rush yourself, write it all down as it comes to you, and don't force creativity. I forced creativity before. It didn't end well...


this message may be offensive
Hi. To all the people over here that have been waiting for so long (or not, fuck you) for the next chapter of Ruffled, I have to apologize. Sincerly, I was going to give up on the fanfic because it seemed silly to me; I didn't organize how I wanted the beginning, middle, and end to be. I didn't think of a plot, I was just blindly throwing events around. But now that I read it again (that, and all the lovely comments/messages), I reckon that I must've done a pretty good job there (or maybe not, fuck you still.) So I've decided to get my ass off the grass (this means absolutely nothing) and get back on it. You will only hear of a next chapter coming once I sort some things out in the story. I hope and think that will be soon (or not, fu-ok I've used that enough already.) I want to thank everybody for reading and supporting, thank you guys. Clemens loves you all. See you.


@NikitaKlaus Yay! I look forward to it! ^.^


@NikitaKlaus OMG! Yes! Please hurry! I love this story so much!