
@Stickinthemud No probe I'd be glad to help I'll read it asap but im being asked to help with another story at the minuet while starting my own. I'll send u a private message when I get round to it ^_^


Arigatou for the follow~ I hope we can chat sometime, keep up the good work *winks and giggles* <3


Cool, I can't wait to read your story. You're welcome


your welcome haha xD and thanks ^_^ im in progress of an actual story atm ^_^ my english teacher loves it too so i hope it does okai when i publish the first chapter ^_^. Arigatou for the follow to you too :)


@StormyRawr hahaha no probs I havnt read much of it yet cause im trying to finish the other one but its cool so far :P and thx I found the backround on facebook :). im also reading loads of stories to get timps for writing my own, maybe I can get some of yours :P


NO NEED TO FEAR! KONOHA'S SEXY PURPLE BEAST IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY! I feel so honored! One of the only two stories in your reading list. o.O Thank you so much because that really does mean a truck load lot. (: I really like your background. ^.^ Woot woot! Go girl gamers! >:D Along with fangirling. :3 STAY YOUTHFUL! -runs off into a sunset while anime crying-