
I'm working on some new stories for Worlds of WestAllen. Should be publishing something tomorrow!


@Nikki_Cleary  I love reading your book 


As the days go by I get more and more worried. Things are changing so much. With all this upheaval I don't know where my life is going. So I focus on what I have, what I can do. I'll have a place to stay. I have God. I want to trust him. I have my writing. I can still do that. I'm still me no matter where I am. 
          I just miss my teammate. I wish things could go back to the way they were but I know that's not possible. So I have to deal with what comes. But this is my life. I have to try and shape it the way I want it. I can't be afraid to ask for what I need. No matter what happens though as long as I'm here I know God has me here for a reason so somehow it will be alright.


Why do people continue to follow a show on Facebook that they no longer enjoy only to talk about how terrible it is? Don't you have better things to do? If you don't like it anymore stop watching it. Unfollow. Get a life. Put your time and energy into something that actually makes you happy! Jeeze!


Than you so much for adding my story to your reading list! Hope you'll enjoy it.


@Nikki_Cleary, thank you for reading and for the lovely comments! I was always afraid that the time period would be too old for the younger generation of readers, but it looks like they are enjoying the story non the less.


@angelapoppe I just saw this! I was starting to think that with the way people treat the Knights and how there's mention of cars and movies bit no internet or anything. Very cool.


I'm glad you're enjoying the story. *whispering* the period is the 1950's :) It will be revealed a bit later :)