
THE ALPHA'S MISSING MATE WILL BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON AROUND THE FIRST WEEK OF MAY!! I have been working extremely hard to finish this book and due to it getting published, I will no longer be updating it on this platform. If you would like to read all the edits and added content please go support me as an author by buying my book!
          	-side note the cover is differnent than the cover on this platform as well.


THE ALPHA'S MISSING MATE WILL BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON AROUND THE FIRST WEEK OF MAY!! I have been working extremely hard to finish this book and due to it getting published, I will no longer be updating it on this platform. If you would like to read all the edits and added content please go support me as an author by buying my book!
          -side note the cover is differnent than the cover on this platform as well.


Okie y'all!!! myself and my best friend are working on the updates and edits to "Alpha's Missing Mate"!! If you have finished reading it already, I'm so sorry but it is changing majorly. The plot line is still the same but the chapters are becoming MUCH longer with more details and explanations on certain areas!!  We are hoping to get it completed before the submissions for the Watty's close but if not we will be Submitting it next year!! We are also already getting ideas and plot line ideas for book two!!! 
          Book to will be called "When Worlds Collide" And I'm looking for front cover ideas!! If you would like to submit an idea please feel free to submit your idea and it will be published at the very end of the first book!!!
          Love y'all -- B


Hey  guys! I'm sorry I was gone again for an extended period of time. I know its no excuse but my life has been really crazy and my ADHD wasn't helping. I'm almost done with editing The Alphas Missing Mate! How exciting!! I'm hoping to add enough details so that I will be able to submit it to the Wattys next year and I will also have it on display at The Enchanted Kingdoms Ball in August!! Hopefully  It will have enough reads soon so I will actually be able to publish it in the future! Thank you all so very much for your patients with me! :)


@Nikki_bree5221 life is crazy but you’re back and healthy that’s fine! 


Hey guys! I know it’s been a awhile since I updated and worked on both of my books so far. I’m so sorry I’ve been gone. I’ve been really busy with the Army as well as moving due to my previous relationship ending while I was away at school these last few months. But I’m back and I’m going to try my best to continue my second book and start working on the sequel of The Alphas Missing Mate. I just want to thank you all for your patience with me and I hope you all continue to bare with me as I get back into the swing of things! Love you all ~ B 


Ok guys!!! I am currently going through my second book and editing as well as adding some more descriptive parts that I feel need to be added! I’m still working on the rest as well but I need to add some more info about certain things! 


I changed the name from The Alphas missing Daughter to The alphas Missing Mate. I’ve been working on it so far the past 3 days and it has progressively changed from what I was originally expecting to do. However, I think this will actually give me more opportunities to expand this into something much larger than say a 30 part read which I’m really excited about. I’m also trying to release at least 3 parts a day until it is complete. Please bare with me will I’m writing and feel free to comment and let me know what y’all think!