
Hi All.. apparently,  the FIC 'Against All Odds '  wasn't showing on my page.  So I've had to republish. They are the existing chapters. ❤️


Hi my favorite writer, you've been quite lately just hoping you are okay. Kinda missed you creativity on Stellaride. Still in Argentina travelling i guess. Hey you stay safe and enjoy yourself. 


@MiszyDonna owhh , wedding such a happy time! Enjoy yourself and i'll be waiting for the next Stellaride chapter.


@MiszyDonna hi! How are you? In the middle of family wedding  celebrations so irs been full on.  I am planning some  Stellaride content hopefully in the next week . Thanks so much for messaging! 


          Just wanna check if you have seen the recent One Chicago crossover last wednesday?? And the promo for the upcoming episode??
          OMG im soo thrilled and happy, were gonna see if stellaride baby is on the way this season!
          Btw, the crossover was good, and gotta see some smitten stellaride moment, too. Gosh, im one happy fan. Kinda want to know what you think abt it. 


@NikkityNakNoo ive just create my X acc just for you,followed done. Hah!! Didnt know im going crazy with all these stellaride fan accounts. Love them all


@MiszyDonna I loved loved it. It was so good.  I would have preferred a few more Stellaride angst moments that we got to see but all in all I get its a show with a lot of cast so the bits we got were pretty great.  I really loved that the opening scene was probably the first real domestic married Stellaride we've seen without a drama I mean.... just Mr and Mrs..late for work... vacation convo going on..affection.... think that is going to jump to my number 1 Stellaride scene ever.   
            And the promo for next week....I think it was giving us enough to reel us in.. but there will be something thrown in no doubt that will make it less cut and dry. 
            If you want to ever ask me you can DM me on X. I'm @thistimenextime


I love coming up with story ideas for people who love watching Chicago fire and Chicago med if anyone would like to write this one for me you’re more than welcome too. Here’s my idea: Stella is happily married to Kelly and they decided to try for a baby and then Stella finds out she is pregnant and they ask Hannah to be there obgyn as they are living in Chicago. Kelly and Stella have been living in Chicago For their entire lives. They decided to make an appointment at Gaffney medical centre to see Hannah for their monthly ultrasound and they discover that the baby has Down syndrome so Stella still wants to go ahead with her plan to have a natural home water birth at home as they know that the is a good calming environment for this type of birth and they know that Hannah will look after them both at home. I would like for this story to be a multi chapter one please 


@deluca_bishop_family hi thanks for the idea. I'm not great with stories that need medical detail like that. I'm sure there's lots if other writers who excel in that..


Sorry! Sorry! I'm in a cab in Buenos Aires and accidentally hit published....then unpublished all my stories for No ordinary Love- The Journey. 
          Ignore that!  I'll post the next chapter of No ordinary Love- The Journey today or tomorrow.
          It answers the debate on whether Severide and Stella know Damon questioned her leadership! Must way of course.‍♀️


@NikkityNakNoo owhh ohh.. cant wait to see whats cooking for Stella in Against All Odds. Need to prepare mentally for the rollercoster ride . 
            Heyy, glad that you are having fun now travelling and stuff. Just take your time to write, chill and enjoy your moment.


@NikkityNakNoo Thank you! We just moved from the city to an Estancia for some quieter days. This is where I'll write. The next chapter of No ordinary love is almost ready, so I think it may get published later tonight
            Then I'm going to write the next Against All Odds  Chapter! Let's see how Kelly is getting on with Stella's meds side effect! 


@NikkityNakNoo no worries! 
            Enjoy your time in BA and you no need to rush the story. We sure are happy and anticipating for it. 


          Happy new year to you!
          Im your new fan here!! And im loving each and every story you wrote. Man, ive enjoyed every stories, love love love them!!!
          Plse dont stop writing, youre such a brilliant storyteller.
           Cant wait for the next update.


             once i read your stories, i cannot stop, im hooked! ;))))
            To tell you the truth, ive read so many others stellaride fandom but to tell you the truth, i don't enjoy most of it. It takes a special way of writing to keep me interested and you definately did!
            Im gonna support you always, just plse never MIA on us and stop writing out of the blues.


@NikkityNakNoo yes, ive voted all stories,caused they were amazing and i can't tell you enough how some really cracked me down. Some were damn funny too!! But most of it, kept me blushed! 
            Keep on doing what you do best, 


@MiszyDonna  Thank you! So much! If the stories did all of those things....then I am over the moon! Even one happy reader is a prize!  
            Happy reading! So great to hear from you. 


Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope that everyone who celebrates is having a lovely day. Thank you from me, for all the reads, the star presses, and the comments for my stories.  It means A LOT! ‍❤️


@NikkityNakNoo thank you! I'll post a No Ordin Love Xmas chapter this evening. Enjoy!