I know I need to post a message about this before I get any more hate mail. Yes I unpublished my story 'Love Possibly' I didn't see myself updating it anytime soon (if you need an explanation, scroll down my page I posted a message about it already) I am deeply sorry, but I am just too busy and too disinterested to continue. I felt bad because I was still getting new people reading it and more and more people demanding more chapters I know I'd probably never produce. I have a lot going on and I just really don't see it happening any time soon. The story still exists, and maybe one day I will go back through and make some changes and be able to re-post it for those who are genuinely upset about the deletion. I am sorry, but I feel like leading you guys on would be worse. I know I said I would update and create an ending for it, but I am not into it at all and it wouldn't be good, so I wouldn't feel confident enough to post it. Ya'll probably hate me but I think this is for the best.

@Nikollyania you should of just kept it up there I want to read so bad I've been searching for it for a while