Greetings, fellow Wattpad users. This account has been recently created in order to facilitate the publishment of early drafts that are neatly organized on this computer's desktop.

In the event that you have come across any of these works, intentionally or otherwise, and you would like to make your presence known, any likes and/or comments are always appreciated. Seriously, you have no idea.

Due to real life scheduling conflicts, such as curing infectious diseases, disarming alien invasions, fighting dragon wars, et cetera, any current postings that presently sport a short description, up to and including a short preview of the story itself, may be updated at irregular intervals.

Apologies for any unintentional addictions this may cause.



Any copy or redistribution of these posted works found published beyond the programmed confines of this website on another website, unless and until otherwise specified, are stolen.

If your imagination is incapable of producing original works with decent grammar, storyline, as well as the characters to go with it, then you are suggested to educate, or, re-educate yourself in the classics, books, movies, et cetera, so that you may one day find some inspiration.

Stooping to steal another author's work is one of the most low down, despicable, and unworthy things you can possibly do in our world. Dishonor upon you, and dishonor upon your cow.
  • GPS Signal Lost
  • JoinedMarch 15, 2018

Last Message
Niktzad Niktzad Aug 16, 2018 06:41PM
Beni nasıl bulduğunu merak ediyorum. Takip ettiğin için teşekkürler. @-xELFx- @quulprenzez
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Stories by Nikola J. Krolowka
Skate or Die by Niktzad
Skate or Die
Derby one-shot draft drabble.
ranking #41 in blocker See all rankings
Project Proteus by Niktzad
Project Proteus
How are we defined by others, except by that which we wear, the features that imprint us onto others' memorie...
ranking #68 in fading See all rankings
Blade and Stylus by Niktzad
Blade and Stylus
For years, two secret organizations have struggled against one another, one attempting to bring tyranny and o...
3 Reading Lists