
Hey guys! Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a couple of months after publishing my book. Trust me I was, very slowly, working on it, but motivation came in small little bursts that disappeared as soon as I sat down to continue. But lately, motivation has slowly and surely been getting more and more strong and I've actually been able to get a decent chunk of part one done! It's not guaranteed, but I might be able to finish it within the next week or two. So don't worry, It Was Meant To Be is not being cancelled ANYTIME soon (if at all). :3


Hey guys! Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a couple of months after publishing my book. Trust me I was, very slowly, working on it, but motivation came in small little bursts that disappeared as soon as I sat down to continue. But lately, motivation has slowly and surely been getting more and more strong and I've actually been able to get a decent chunk of part one done! It's not guaranteed, but I might be able to finish it within the next week or two. So don't worry, It Was Meant To Be is not being cancelled ANYTIME soon (if at all). :3