
@KeishaMartin I'm going to try both. I'm thinking I will self publish through amazon self publishing but also aim for traditional publishing as well. It's pretty damn tough out there. I'll see how I feel once I finish editing the novel. A lot of friends are having success with self publishing right now and you have a lot more control over your own work. I'm just keeping my options open.


@KeishaMartin I'm going to try both. I'm thinking I will self publish through amazon self publishing but also aim for traditional publishing as well. It's pretty damn tough out there. I'll see how I feel once I finish editing the novel. A lot of friends are having success with self publishing right now and you have a lot more control over your own work. I'm just keeping my options open.


The writing is coming along fine. I'm in the editing stage of the novel and also a rewrite of the end. I should have it tied up by November so I can hand it to the editor I'm going to use. Once that is done, I am also starting book two. It's already outlined in a way and it will then just be a case of writing it. I also have book three, four, and five loosely outlined.
          How's your novel going?


Hi everyone, I'm Keisha a Child And Youth Worker by day and a aspiring author by night...or anytime I get a bit of free time, I began writing in 2009 and since then have written six novels  the first  novel is currently being professionally edited by my amazing editor I hope by 2014 I will be able to query it.