
Hey dude!
          Sorry for posting here without your permission.
          I have just started a fictional book and it was a South Indian tale.
          Can you please check it out and do review on it?
          Hoping for your support 
          Do vote and comment!
          I am hoping that it won't disappoint you.
          Thank you!
          JSP ♥️



I just noticed that you have added my work 'Love!? It Just Happened...' to your reading list. I'm overwhelmed by seeing this. I hope you find my work worth reading. Inline comments and constructive feedback are always welcomed. Thank you, have a good day ❤


Hey Nina! 
          This is Sahana, a new writer on wattpad. I'm from Bangalore. My first book, love in two cities is out now! The female lead is from Bangalore too! And the male lead is an American. The story spans from Bangalore to San Jose. It's a cute, subtle romance story without any mature content.
          I would love for you to read it whenever you are free. It would really mean a lottt! Do vote, share and comment if you like it!


@Justromcoms oh yh this is added to my library will let you know once I am done.


Hey dear hope I’m not disturbing you and if you spare some time then read my new book OUR LOVE JOURNEY I’m sure you will like it please give a try and do votes and I would love to know your thoughts 
          As well as give a try also to my another books too 
          The fate- A Love story 
          Breaking the boundaries 
          His Angel 

          I’m sure you will not regret it by choosing them 
          Have a good day 
          Take care 


hii! how are you today? i hope you are doing good! i saw you are reading list i thought you might like mine too!! its my first book, i hope you check it out when you have time! if not its totally okay♥️♥️♥️


@y2kcaset Nvm I saw it now
            My account is will 3 other people and they have been adding the stories.
            I opened Wattpad almost after a year


@y2kcaset Hi! I am doing good hope you are too!
            I would love to read your book but what reading list