Hey there,
I would love to say this is a message for a come back but unfortunately it's not. Not yet. I'm just not in the right head space and haven't been for a while. I'm going to keep this brief and spare the "life and depression hit hard" speech. I would just like to thank everyone who's read my work. Words can't express how thankful I am for the love and feedback throughout the years.
This is not a goodbye, this is more of an extention on my break and an explanation of what's to come.
I've noticed some of my novels disappearing from my page and I'm sure it's Wattpad weeding out mature content but I'm not as active so it's taken a moment for me to notice. That's love and comments I won't ever get back, I won't ever get to look back on and smile with. So to prevent anymore forced purging, I'll be removing most of my work from wattpad in February. I'm not sure what the next step is for mature content on my page but I'll update when I do.
This is just a heads up for those in the process of reading the novels that will be removed:
Dawn of the Wolf/ Legacy of the Wolf
Forbidden Fantasy: removed by Wattpad for reasons unknown, probably for mature content
Restricted: also removed by Wattpad probably because of the content.
Again thank you for reading. I really do appreciate those who've stuck with me all this time.
As always, thanks for keeping me relevant