
Do you ever find yourself like, researching something particular and you wonder if you can ever do enough research? It's like i need to be an expert to actually be confident enough to write about it.  What's an adequate ammount of knowledge to be able to write about something, honestly?


Do you ever find yourself like, researching something particular and you wonder if you can ever do enough research? It's like i need to be an expert to actually be confident enough to write about it.  What's an adequate ammount of knowledge to be able to write about something, honestly?


Yo an important Note about Cage and The Bird - i wrote it back in 2015 and i'm just editing it and publishing it here. it's already done so don't worry about it dropping off the face of the earth like with some of my other stories.


For those of you wondering, my sci-fi is on hold as I discuss plot with my confidant and roommate. I got ahead of myself. however! my second big project that I've been planning to publish regularly will begin shortly. It's a retelling of a fairytale, and it'll have a sort of Don Quixote meets the Grimm Brothers meets Steampunk feeling to it. don't know how else to explain it. Look out for that coming soon!