@Nini1624 That's okay, ots just good to know that you're okay. Have a good evening!
Reading List
Heya guys. I'm coming out clean about my discomfort and worry about wattpad and my works. In all honesty, I feel like I'm going to loose my work, which is why I saved it all in a different platform. The reason why I've not updated in a while is because of this, as I feel like this platform will not properly hold my chapters correctly. However, I am going to try and save this account as many times as I can, but if the stupid platform doesn't lag or glitch, then expect some updates. I just haven't felt very comfortable near this app, and am worried that Wattpad hasn't fixed this stupid issue. For a while I liked this app, but after that one damaging update, I've lost all confidence in the platform. I am sorry for this, but my anxiety isn't helping me and I feel like...doing something drastic in order to save myself from my terrifying anxiety. So, I am sorry for no updates since...well a few weeks ago or months. I've just felt like I still cannot trust this stupid app, so I've just been piling up my chapters in a different platform. I apologize for not telling you guys this, and I hope I am not judged harshly for my reason. I've lived in a family that has always had hardships, and now I'm learning of these hardships through my own eyes. Also, school is still heavy for me, and my health hasn't been doing me any good. I'll try to get an update, but it may be a while until I can trust this stupid app. Thank you guys for hearing my rant, though I may delete it if I get bad reactions. ~Nini
@Nini1624 It's okay. I personally have never really had many major issues with the app but it has given me difficulty with saving chapters a few times. If you do switch platforms please notify me because I want to keep reading your stories. Have a marvelous day!
@Nini1624 That's okay, ots just good to know that you're okay. Have a good evening!
Heya guys. I'm coming out clean about my discomfort and worry about wattpad and my works. In all honesty, I feel like I'm going to loose my work, which is why I saved it all in a different platform. The reason why I've not updated in a while is because of this, as I feel like this platform will not properly hold my chapters correctly. However, I am going to try and save this account as many times as I can, but if the stupid platform doesn't lag or glitch, then expect some updates. I just haven't felt very comfortable near this app, and am worried that Wattpad hasn't fixed this stupid issue. For a while I liked this app, but after that one damaging update, I've lost all confidence in the platform. I am sorry for this, but my anxiety isn't helping me and I feel like...doing something drastic in order to save myself from my terrifying anxiety. So, I am sorry for no updates since...well a few weeks ago or months. I've just felt like I still cannot trust this stupid app, so I've just been piling up my chapters in a different platform. I apologize for not telling you guys this, and I hope I am not judged harshly for my reason. I've lived in a family that has always had hardships, and now I'm learning of these hardships through my own eyes. Also, school is still heavy for me, and my health hasn't been doing me any good. I'll try to get an update, but it may be a while until I can trust this stupid app. Thank you guys for hearing my rant, though I may delete it if I get bad reactions. ~Nini
@Nini1624 It's okay. I personally have never really had many major issues with the app but it has given me difficulty with saving chapters a few times. If you do switch platforms please notify me because I want to keep reading your stories. Have a marvelous day!
Heya guys! Has been a few weeks hasn't it? I apologize for not updating in the long run, but school has swamped me with the amount of work I have to do within one day. Also, I have been more focused on myself rather than writing, so I haven't gotten the huge need to write chapter's. Each chapter is prewritten when I publish them, though, despite that I haven't really gotten to updating one of my books as I have three chapters I believe waiting. Also, I may not be on wattpad a lot, which means I'll be inactive for most of the time. Anyways, I am writing this because it's been a while since my last update, and I've wondered about how you guys are doing. Lives going good? Besides these few reasons, alongside a small mention that my health has also been holding me back, that's all I have to share for now. I hope everyone enjoys this sunny Saturday(it's sunny here). Enjoy! ~Nini
@Nini1624 It's okay. I have the the same predicament. Things have been going well for me, as I hope they also are for you.
Heya guys! School starts for me tomorrow, so any updates I may make will take a while to be published due to my larger work schedule. Besides, I actually take a few days in order to write one chapter on its own. Also, I'd like to say that my story "A Heart of Pure Gold" does have an update lined up, but I need to find a day where I feel comfortable to publish it here on wattpad. "A World's War" has a chapter up in works, so be prepared for that when nessessary. Anyways, I will be active on my wattpad, but I'll be on hiatus because of school. So yeah, see you guys in the next update I can make! Enjoy your evenings guys!
I need opinions. Has anyone else feel like Wattpad is untrustworthy after the whole glitch? Because I feel like I can't trust the app anymore. I mean, I could've lost all my work and followers because Wattpad didn't see this glitch. Thankfully, all the work is saved on a back-up. However, I believe the glitch is fixed, as I have been able to post two other notes. But, besides that, had anyone else experienced not being able to login into their account and publish anything? It was really annoying. And one more thing, I possibly won't post because of how terrified I am of this app going through the glitch once again. Also, it just rained and thundered here in PA. It was terrifying. Enjoy your day guys!
@Nini1624 It didn't have any glitches as far as I can tell. If course, I wasn't on it in the past few days so I can't really judge
Whelp, my wattpad is fixed I think. The previous post was a half test half actual need post. Does that make any sense? Hope it does. Anyways, enjoy!
@Nini1624 I'm glad you got it worked out! (And sorry for missing your updates for the past three days)
Heya y'all! How's life been fairing? My wattpad has been a bastard to me, and I haven't exactly been able to post any new updates until it's fixed. It's torture. Anyways, I will try and post new stories, but they will be pre-made so I do not loose the work I create because of what's happening. Is that alright with everyone here? Also, I may make an account on Quotev or something, in case wattpad doesn't work for me. Other than that, enjoy your day guys! Keep your mind open and spirits up! Enjoy!
Is it just me, or is Wattpad acting glitchy? I literally wrote a chapter worth 2,000 words and my Wattpad started to glitch. Then, suddenly, I had to uninstall it and reinstall it and I lost the 2,000 worded chapter. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm really worried it's going to effect my account and I may loose everything I worked hard on...
Happy friendship day!
Hello everyone! Now, after checking back, I had deleted my Turn:Washington's Spies after I had fallen out of the fandom. Now, I regret it as I enjoy of the history of the spy ring. Now, there is a question I wanted to ask you all: Should I remake the series? I'll try my best to stick with the main plot, but I will occasionally try to get in seperate chapters with the main character I'll be writing about. Also, if you guys do say yes, then may those who did read help me remember what I had written about? Like characters/animals? I know that the character I was writing about was named Nova, her brother(don't remember his name), a horse named Krane, and I believe her brother's horse(?). So, could y'all help me if you say yes? Thank you all and enjoy your evenings!
@Nini1624 You can remake it if you want. As for what you already wrote, there was Nova, her horse Krane, her brother (I think his name was Diego or David or something) and that was it, no brother's horse. At least as far as you wrote, her brother's horse could've been added on later in your plans but you didn't get that far. I think that Nova and her brother might have been reunited at some point on a dock though. The plot was basically Nova ran away from home because her father was going to force her to marry and she didn't want that. Then she ran into the main cast and decided to help them. She stayed with a couple (can't remember their names right now) who had an inn and a restaurant thing and was friends with them when they were younger, but couldn't remember due to a head injury. There was also some history between her, Abraham, Caleb, and Ben. I'm pretty sure it was that they were all friends when they were younger as well. You mostly followed the episodes.
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