
          	I don't know if anyone is still here but I'm back. Well, I never really left but I've been having a bad writers block for months. Thanks to a new fandom (Good Omens), I've overcome it. 
          	The next chapter of "Always", the "AFON" sequel is posted and there's new works for the GO fandom, too! 
          	If you're still here, I'm glad and grateful! 
          	If you're new here, welcome!


          I don't know if anyone is still here but I'm back. Well, I never really left but I've been having a bad writers block for months. Thanks to a new fandom (Good Omens), I've overcome it. 
          The next chapter of "Always", the "AFON" sequel is posted and there's new works for the GO fandom, too! 
          If you're still here, I'm glad and grateful! 
          If you're new here, welcome!


          i wanted to thank you for your story "A feeling of normality", it was just one of the best (maybe THE best) story i've ever read, you wrote Buck so well, each nights i was like : "another chapter ... and well let's just say 3 others"I didn't finished it because i never saw Infinity War and Endgame and i don't want to spoil myself more than i already did.
          Anyway your story is just breathtaking, Congrats!!!
          (i'm gonna take a look at your other stories)
          and sorry for the mistakes (not an english speaker but i love it so much;) 
          Have a nice day!


@Cheshire555 Just saw I never replied but want to thank you so much! I appreciate your words and don't worry, your english is just fine and I'm not a native speaker as well. Thanks for reading and the support. <3


*tap tap* is this thing on? Yeah? OK...
          So... I don't know who's still here. But.. I am alive. And I don't want to make promises that I can't keep... 
          I am currently re-reading AFON to come back to write on the sequel. 
          No promises. I still need to move and start a new job. But I miss writing and I always wanted to finish the sequel. So yeah... hope to read from some of you soon :)


Hey! U ok?


@ kendinceyazarrr  Hey... omg I'm so touched that someone cares so much that they ask... I am okay, actually. Just struggling with life and work atm and I have neither enough time nor inspiration to get back to writing.. I am just taking an extra long break  thank you so much for checking up on me and have a great day!


A couple of days ago I promised all AFON-fans a special something and here it finally is!
          'Always' - the Sequel to AFON is here now. It takes part right after the Blip and will show some more details of the road Bucky and you have taken in the final AFON-chapter. It will deal with the struggle of moving on and getting to know each other again. 
          Welcome back in this very special world full of love, friendship and a lot of Bucky.
          'Always' Chapter 1 - Changes is up now.


@Nini_Laufeyson ahhhhhhhhh I can't waiiiiittttt!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Hey everybody. I know it's just been a few days since my last Update. I'm still stressed, have a lot to do but I'm working on a lot new stuff. There's a surprise coming for all AFON-fans and I am still planning on editing An Unknown Bond and continue Saviors. So there's a lot planned for Marvel- and Seven Deadly Sins fans. Just stay patient, you aren't forgotten 


Hey guys. I know it has been really quiet lately. Truth is, I am not even on a writers block. I'm full of ideas but I'm all out of time. I am NOT done writing, I have a lot planned. It just takes time.
          Remember to stay safe and thank you so much for all your support. <3


@Nini_Laufeyson We'll be here! Can't wait to read more of your stories! :)


There it is. The final chapter of AFON. 
          I'm just going to bed now and cry tears of joy because I finished it and tears of sadness because it means goodbye. 
          Thank you for following me on this journey. And feel free to check out 'Secret Soulamte' as well. I will continue to work on this story now that everything else is finished :) 
          Thank you for all your kind feedback, for all your support. I'm beyond speechless and I just hope that the final chapter is everything you hoped for and maybe even more. I gotta admit that it's one of my all-time favorite chapters and I couldn't imagine a better ending. But it's up to you to check that out :)
          Goodnight everybody. This was a night worth to lack of sleep. 


The final chapter of AFON will either be published tonight or tomorrow.
          Means, I can still take part at the Wattys. I'm nervous and excited. Special thanks will be added to the AN at the final chapter.
          Happy Monday everyone 


@ povsandfangirling  I already guessed that it had to do something with your loss so I didn't mind that it has become quiet around you :) I'm sorry to hear that you've been thinking this way but take the time you need, dear! Don't feel pressured to read it and I hope things will geat easier for you ❤️


@Nini_Laufeyson I love your story - I took a break from reading a lot of things after I lost my grandad - I think I felt like if I read something that was coming to an end it would be another little loss I wasn't ready for but I can't wait to dive back in because I adore how you write and I think your story is beautiful xxx


@ hamsandwich3221  Thank you so much! I am more than glad you liked the story. Thank you so much for reading and let me know what you think of the final part. ❤️ Going to publish it tonight :) 