
Hello my wonderful readers! Unfortunately for the rest of January I will not be able to work on translating any of my stories due to school, college preparation, and I’m basically desperate to find some work full time since this is my last year. I promise in February that there will be new projects coming to you. Thank you for your understanding and patience, it means a lot. 
          	I hope you’re all doing well. Eat your meals, drink water and sleep well. I love you all<33


Hello my wonderful readers! Unfortunately for the rest of January I will not be able to work on translating any of my stories due to school, college preparation, and I’m basically desperate to find some work full time since this is my last year. I promise in February that there will be new projects coming to you. Thank you for your understanding and patience, it means a lot. 
          I hope you’re all doing well. Eat your meals, drink water and sleep well. I love you all<33


HEY POOKIES!!! I'M GLAD TO ANNPUNCE THAT THERE'S ANOTHER ONE SHOT BEING POSTED!!! However, this is a part one, part two will be posted very soon, it does depend on my school and work schedule. It will be posted at 9:45pm EST, so please done miss it!! I hope you all enjoy, and I love you all very much!!!


HEY POOKIESSS!!! I hope all is well and school isn't too hectic, if anyone needs help with any subject, please hmu! I'll have no problem helping people out 
          I'm here to announce the first project of 2025!!! It's a going to be a full story and it's call Devoured (MiMin), I was planning to release this last year but had no plot LMAOOOO. There will be irregular updates since I love going with the flow and I like leaving you guys on cliff hangers. The introduction and the chapter 1 will be released at 8:15 EST, so please don't miss it!!
          I'm so happy to add a new story to my works, I hope you all enjoy it! I love you all and please eat your meals, drink water and rest properly. Every one of you are so much more important than you think, trust me.
          Also, if there are any foreigners that have trouble reading my stories in English, my extra account @cunty_princess is made for people like you! I will translate every story into your native language if wanted! So, if you can post your language in the comment section below
          That's all for now! I hope you all enjoy this new project! I love you alll MWAHHHH<3333333


Hey, pookies! I hope your new year is going well!
          I came to make two announcements! 
          1. New full story will be posted next week! Although, I will make irregular updates on it since I love going with the flow of things
          2. I’ve seen many readers of mine are foreigners (ofc not a problem) however, I’m a person who absolutely loves languages and I’ve been seeing some comments saying that there’s time some have to translate the stories. So, I thought is something, why don’t I translate my stories on my backup acc in your native languages? If you can, please post your native languages and I’ll work on getting my stories (already written and newly written) translated for you! 
          I love you all! Eat well and drink water regularly. 2025 is going to be your year!!<333


@Nini_bearr I swear, that's so nice of you! May your new year be going well too! <33


@LeeCatStudio yeah! I can do that and I’ll post them on my other acc @cunty_princess. So please make sure to follow to see the story


@ Nini_bearr  Is Polish language an option? 


          I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I wish you all the best in your new year resolutions and your goals, I believe you all came make a difference and be better then you imagine. Thank you for yet another year of your support, I couldn’t be more grateful. Let’s make this 2025 unforgettable, yeah? We’re in this together! I love you all!!


@Nini_bearr Happy New Yearrr!!! <3333


I'm all ears tell me 


@faithyy_bear I miss you even more. I’ll be thinking of you countlessly throughout my days. I love you so so much my baby, I swear I do. I’m sorry about earlier if I made you upset or mad at me. It wasn’t my intention to


@Nini_bearr I know baby I know and I will miss you even more matter of a fact I'm already missing you 


@faithyy_bear okay baby, it’s late for you anyway. I’ll miss you so much, yk that?


Hello, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I won’t be writing for some time, I’m having work like crazy and my studies don’t help me at all. I’m super exhausted and will take a break for the rest of the year. I hope you’re all doing all understand
          Also, a reminder that there’s a MiMin one shot scheduled to come out on Christmas Day (the 25th), I hope you’re all doing will all enjoy!
          Be safe, eat your meals, drink water and get plenty of rest! Love you all so much! Merry Christmas RAHHHH<3333


Hello, Pookies!!!! How are you guys???
          There will be a new one shot, it's a part 2 for "A Lover's Note" and it is coming out tomorrow at 12:00pm EST. So, please don't miss it! Also, a reminder that on December 25th there will be a scheduled one shot. I will most likely take the rest of this year off to focus on studies and family, but if you do have any requests or wanna talk, feel free to leave your thoughts down below. Thank you all for supporting me for another year, I really appreciate it, I really do!
          I love you all!! And have a happy new yearrrrrrrr!!!!


Hey, pookies! I have a new one shot being posted at 5:15 EST (I think I wasn’t paying attention LMAOOO)
          I will put in a little TW that this story does have some strong scenes, so if you’re not comfortable with it please wait till my next story that comes out on December 25th at 12:00pm EST
          I hope you all are doing well and eating your meals, drinking plenty of water and taking good care of yourselves! Love you allllll<3333