Hay y’all I need to say this. Black lives matter, LGBTQIA+ lives matter, Trans lives matter, sexism is NOT ok, racism is NOT ok, and violence is not the answer. People in these communities are just that PEOPLE. We are just trying to live our lives the way we want. We are not in your life’s so why become part of ours if you do not accept us as we are. We are like you, we want to love the people that we love, we want equal rights as everyone else has, we want what you have so why can’t we have it if we are all proclaimed equals. “One nation under god” one being the key word used. we are all one under god. Not separate and unequal but one with each other regardless of race, color, gender, sexuality, and religion. Soo pls all I ask is that you speak out against the hate and to not be violent while doing so. #wewontbesilenced