@CreativeDreams I think a black or white car is totally awesome!! Especially black!! I think black cars r freakin sexy:) and I parcially say that bc I own a black car... But they r still awesome:). And ya I would b very conceded with space issue!!! My parents bought a car that is so tiny not even me and a friend fit in the back seat!!! I absolutely hate that car!! I would worry about the interior first, then the exterior:) and who cares wut ur ex-friend think?? She's ur EX-friend so she doesn't matter anymore!:) I would worry if u had the same color of dress as her for a dance or something, but not the same color of car:) as long as it's not the same design too! :) good luck car shopping!!!:D and get a car u luv, with a large interior, and wutever freakin color u please!! Lol:). Good luck gurl!!:D :) :)