
Hello Everyone!
          	It's TheSpaceNinja here. After remembering about this account almost 5 years after it was made, I managed to find the password to log in.
          	I can't speak for the others that were part of this group, but I'd love to see this account revived or something! Personally, I'd like to work on Water and Lightning Part 2. 
          	For the others that were part of this account, message me on my main @ibaralullaby and I can give you the password if you'd like to join me in this revival (does that make me the necromancy ninja?)
          	Anyways. If y'all, the audience, are still around, I'd love to hear from you! What would you like? Any requests?
          	Doomo ~ TheSpaceNinja


Hello anyone that may still be around!
          Yes, I'm posting from my main account, because bad news, I can't access the account. I'm doing all I can to try and get back in, but 5 years ago me was not the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to making good security measures. The email for this account is practically inaccessible, so I'm hoping Wattpad support can help. If all goes well, I'll promise a part two to water and lighting! A little late, I know.
          Bare with me guys.
          Doomo~ The Space Ninja


@ibaralullaby aww, how unfortunate granted recreation is an option however I'm pretty sure it would come with the struggle of possibly transferring what's already here to it, as well as captivating the attention to let everyone know [ I'm actually not entirely sure how often are "Discussions" being checked ]


@ibaralullaby I would have loved too, but I have officially lost access to the account. I tried Wattpad help but it wasn't much use since I remember very little about the account as it wasn't originally created by me. Perhaps a new one could be created though.


@ibaralullaby Are you planning to still revive/continue this account and it's works or has that ship sailed by now?
            Really digging what I've read so far


Hey you! The one reading it, yes you! You are the ace we are searching for. The burning passion in your eyes can be seen through your camera. Oh! Don’t worry, we aren’t stalking you. Or are we...?
          But it doesn’t matter, all you need to know is that we want you to be part of our awesome community! From theme designers to discord experts, we are searching for them all!
          looks around to check if no one is around
          This upcoming message is top secret!
          We even have a special project coming up which you can be a part of by checking our hiring book. A golden opportunity no one should miss out on.
          Still, what are you waiting for? Are you worried about being a newbie, concerned about not being able to handle working on discord? Then just take a chill pill! 'Cause we will be the ones teaching you! 
          Be a part of our community so you can grow and nurture your talent without the thought of not being enough!


Sorry if you don’t want this kind of thing on yo it board..


Hello Everyone!
          It's TheSpaceNinja here. After remembering about this account almost 5 years after it was made, I managed to find the password to log in.
          I can't speak for the others that were part of this group, but I'd love to see this account revived or something! Personally, I'd like to work on Water and Lightning Part 2. 
          For the others that were part of this account, message me on my main @ibaralullaby and I can give you the password if you'd like to join me in this revival (does that make me the necromancy ninja?)
          Anyways. If y'all, the audience, are still around, I'd love to hear from you! What would you like? Any requests?
          Doomo ~ TheSpaceNinja


Did y'all die or something.....?


Ohhhh, makes sense.


@potatosandstuff not sure what happened I used to be part of the group and then I lost the password so I have no idea what happened