Hello my amazing and wonderful followers, First of all I want to thank each and every single one of you for following a weirdo like me and voting on my pathetic excuse for a story. I couldn't update over the summer because I had no Internet and the app for Wattpad wasn't working. Anyways, my point is that I am going through a HUGE editing phase for my book, which means that names are going to be changed, the title is going to be changed, and probably the summary will be changed, as well. Basically, the whole world's about to fall apart. :p Because of my horrible unorganized schedule and school starting again, updating will be hard, but my goal for this year is probably to do weekly updates if I'm lucky and the stars align for my fate. Sorry again and please don't try to kill me for this decision!!!! Make sure to follow my sister @Brishti212 and to vote and comment on her amazing Selection fanfic The Rebel. It's much longer than mine and really well written. My sis worked real hard on that book so make sure you go show some love cause she really deserves it!!! Also follow IamTrash14 cause she's just awesome!!! Thanks for following me!!!! Love all of you!!!! ^_^

@Ninni32300 your welcome child... u have brishti the wise one's great blessing :P thx so much for the mention! Love!