
The stories I have done are uploaded again. I won't be writing anymore because I habe lost both passion and time for it. I will just go back to reading books


@Ninso72343 but madam you can't leave us on a cliff hanger... My love my darling still needs to end, i understand you need time to think and reconnect with the passion of writing but I really hope you come through this and post at least two or three more chapters to give the book a proper good bye and ending... Pls madam 


I really really hope you are doing well... And also hope you'll get back to writing, your story's are so good... I really hope you can get back to writing, i know it's hard and not suited for many people, it can be draining and tiring but it's what your storys do for people in the long run. Your storys are amazing and i personally love them, many people would agree with me and we the fandom hope you'll get back to writing 


@ LilithsGrl  It isn't a promise, but I am back on wattpad. Things haven't change I barely have time, but maybe I will start writing again, but idk myself


The stories I have done are uploaded again. I won't be writing anymore because I habe lost both passion and time for it. I will just go back to reading books


@Ninso72343 but madam you can't leave us on a cliff hanger... My love my darling still needs to end, i understand you need time to think and reconnect with the passion of writing but I really hope you come through this and post at least two or three more chapters to give the book a proper good bye and ending... Pls madam 


How do I find your stories? Specifically love darling. 


@ thefirstsky016  I currently have 'Love darling?" and "My love, my darling" taken down for editing as I wanted to drastically change the writing style. I don't know when I will be finished as my work has been giving me more shifts lately and school is starting soon again


So here's me wanting to surprise my readers with a return yesterday (It is now Tuesday 01.48)
          Since I haven't been feeling well for a while now, I felt my passion for writing slowy to come back.
          Only, to not just get my period :):, NO! THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH!, I bloodly have covid for the first time EVER!!!
          My mother is okay, but I've infected my father and he just has headaches. I have the full symptom library -_
          So, sorry for no surprise, but I will continue writing as soon as I feel at least good enough to write and proof.


@Ninix0908 Your book is good. Get well soon and continue when you’re ready xx


I absolutely despise when other readers spoil books in the comments!
          I luckily haven't had spoilers in my comments yet, but when they do start I'll delete them instantly. 
          Be a repeat offender and you'll be muted.
          I'm currently reading instead of writing, because of traumatising wisdom teeth removal. I normally love reading comments to see if readers agree/disagree/leave a funny comment, but in this one book there is just one spoiler after the other and I hate it!
          There is me trying to enjoy a book, but now I know what is to come instead of being surprised with an unexpected emotion.