this message may be offensive
Okay, this is completely random as well. I have ADHD, Anger Issues and a few other things such as paranoia and a fear of heights. But most of those don't have much point here. I don't like fighting, especially when it's between family. My biological mother was abusive and I've always despised her for it. I do have a sense of respect for her being my mother, however I do not take pride in saying so. My dad re-married and my step-mother is the only one I will call Mom. Recently, my mother said that the entirety of my dad's side of the family is composed of drug addicts and alcoholics. What pisses me off EXPONENTIALLY is that fact she had the gaulle to say this over texts at my grandma. I'm a family man to the core, so if you attack my dad, my mom, my grandparents and siblings, you're gonna get me to snap. However, I sent a long basically essay to my mother which held all the feelings I had been keeping within me for almost the entirety of my life. The over-all message of the essay was "Fuck you, you hypocritical excuse for a mother. You were a drug addict and also drank on the daily. You never took care of us kids and if I had the chance, I would dropkick you without hesitation." How would you have approached this problem? I'm pretty curious on how other people would interact with my stultus of a biological mother.