I guess it's been a while . I have to apologize to anyone who has been reading my Batman book. I kind of suck at updating. I forgot I was writing it, and then got so distracted by life and things like college. Sadly, I haven't updated the book in almost a year.
I still have the entire plot for the book. With a few minor adjustments to fix some plot holes errors I'm seeing now. At this point I'll probably have to reread my own book because I can't remember all the details !
Well, if anyone's still interested in it, I'm planning on finishing the Darkness Rising section within the next few weeks. It has three sections (because younger me loved dramatics ) and I'm partway done with the second half.
Part of me is debating if it's even worth finishing the book. But I feel I kind of owe it to anyone who ever liked the book and to my younger self to complete it.
Nice chat and hopefully some updates soon!