
Part 2 
          	I love Bts like no other group before but as Jimin said today they can't share everthing about their lives even when they really want to but they scared of our reaction or because we are only fans and they don't have to share everthing.Even when it's hursh because we got use to them call us family we still are stranger to each at the of the day and they have right to live the way they want and not even fans can stop they okay I finished now  I needed let it out you can too below if you need too 
          	Thank you and I love you BTS ❤ 
          	Nirvana xx


Hello author  i love your story war of crown taehyung's ff please upload it on Wattpad please. .....i had read it on youtube and i loved it .....I'm  searching it again but can't finde it anywhere itsa humble request please upload this story here again please please please