
Tomorrow is a new day
          	Making mistakes is a part of life
          	Saying NO is okay
          	Not every one has to like you
          	Beauty and strength come from within.


          I hope you are fine & taking care of your health☺. 
          "Books are magical keys to open up worlds and change perspectives".
          If you are a book lover & have a free time then check out my books. I hope you enjoy reading it (❁´◡`❁). 
          They are:
          1. Bride Swap
          2. You are my Asset not Liability
          3. Precious thoughts & quotes
          4. Graphic Designer Name boards
          5. My Heartbeat for whom?? 
          6. Made for each other
          7. Avneil os
          8. Our cute friendship
          Shower your valuable votes & comments❤. If you like it then add the books into your reading list & share with your friends ☺. 
          Take care!! 
          Much love!! 
          Riya (≡^∇^≡)


Hey I dont know if i could ask you about neha@tune of hearts stories.....I have been searching them like a hell and I couldn't fine her books except sizzling knot....can you just tell me about them whether I can find them in other apps ????