Hana Saku Inochi Aru Kagiri
Title: Hana Saku Inochi Aru Kagiri (As Long as the Life of a Flower Blooms)
Words: Kazuki
Music: Yuki/Kazuki
Chasing a memory that can never return, there were too many
I thought the feelings I denied were crazy.
When I was a child, I hated impurities more than anything else.
Before I knew it I was accpeting of them
washed away to somewhere..., lost...
I'll become so pretty as to be ugly...
on that night when I touched you (purity).
The more we're together the lonelier it is.
As long as the life of a flower blooms
eternally the two of us.
The bigger I got the more impurities I saw
tired of feeling confused, someday i too will...
Everyone fears losing something so they hold it all in...
when i look back upon myself in ruin,
washed away somewhere, lost...
I'm held by you, who lived by only purity
I can return to being clean
even if I have a past (sins) that can't be rewritten
as long as the life of a flower blooms
eternally the two of us...
I'll become so pretty as to be ugly...
on that night when I touched you (purity).
The more we're together the lonelier it is.
As long as the life of a flower blooms
eternally the two of us.