
Hi Guys, I have publish a new story tittle “The Fervour Love” 
          	Love cares, protects and fight.
          	One love story that ended before it get to began and what will they do if they get another chance? What will they do when chance comes with a danger? 
          	When there is three person in a relationship, one must move on... is this always the best way?
          	Sometime sacrifice is way easier then fight for what you want. 
          	This story involves three couples “EarthMix, and TaeTee. The third couple is …” with three different complicated situations. 
          	Falling in love is easy but ...


          Sorry for posting it here
          Can anyone help me find a story of forthbeam where beam is orphan he is studying medical and fourth who is studying engineering they start dating in college. beam is scared of rain because of his past trauma ( in childhood he lives with his adopted father "but in reality he is his grandfather" beam ask him to come toh school function but he denied it so beam became angry and at night he stays with his friend because he is angry with his father.
          But later when he goes home he finds his father  on land in rain dead then he find out that his father is planning to surprise him by going to his function but he cant....
          So after thissss
          He meets forth family  father grandfather and everyone they like beam like his own..
          And he started his internship in their hospital with their friends where his senior tried to harass him..
          I only that much story and I can't find ot anywhere if someone knows this story so please tell me the name of the story..
          Thank you


Sawadee kha, phi
          Can I please ask you a tiny favour?? I'm just starting some MewGulf stories, do you mind giving them a little visit and maybe some advices??
          Thanks a lot before that, I hope I don't bother your time and you'll enjoy the story ❤


Hi, is there any particular story you want me read. 


Hi! I need some help please. I forgot the title of a ForthBeam fanfiction. Its about forth and beam having feeling for each other. But Beam outburst when Forth confess to him. He thought that Forth is two timing him without knowing that the other guy that Forth is close with is his brother in law and his brother. Beam said hurtful words. Forth still confess to Beam but he left beam after that. When he returns after a few months he is with Wayo.  after some time Forth and beam reconciled. Beam's mother and stepfather is against their relationship and treats Beam badly. Beam is searching for his real dad. Forth's brother help Beam to search for his dad. Does anyone know the title of this story? thanks


Sorry, I just saw this. The plot look interesting but I don’t remember reading such story. Sorry can’t help. 


Hi Guys, I have publish a new story tittle “The Fervour Love” 
          Love cares, protects and fight.
          One love story that ended before it get to began and what will they do if they get another chance? What will they do when chance comes with a danger? 
          When there is three person in a relationship, one must move on... is this always the best way?
          Sometime sacrifice is way easier then fight for what you want. 
          This story involves three couples “EarthMix, and TaeTee. The third couple is …” with three different complicated situations. 
          Falling in love is easy but ...


Hi Guys,  I have published another story titled “Write Your Own Story” :D :D :D   It’s just another University- High school romance.  Read… Vote… Comment.. and… Share :P 
          Here is the link to book. 


Today is my first day following Nishthn author nim.
          i haven't real all story yet, but i want to ask
          do you have a bad boy vibe story? or any recommendation?


Sorry for late reply. 
            I just notice your message. 
            I don’t really have bad boy vibe story or could give a recommendation at the moment. If I found I will share with you. One of my favorite write already deleted her account. So I don’t have one at the moment. 


I'm thinking of writing a story of Earth and Mix.
          I love their chemistry in A Tale of Thousand Star. 
          Most probably will start after completing "The Counterfeit" 
          :) :) :)


@Nishthn don't worry... I know you will


@YumieOnie Hope can write a good story for them 