Tagged by bunnyflashwing
Nickname: Indigo
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
One fact about me: My username comes from "Digo", the Japanese name of Staven from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, as well as the colour purple. I wanted an internet name that was not tied to any specific interest, but I still like Spirit Tracks. It was originally IndigoChan, first used on Dragon Adopters, but I changed it to IndigoGear, after the Time Gears from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of X, because I was worried about people calling me a weeaboo. Then I changed it to Nitro Indigo, because the codename of the Nintendo DS, the video game system I play the most games from, was originally called the Game Boy Nitro. Plus, rhyming appeal.
Favourite colour: Purple.
Favourite place: That's hard...
Favourite celebrity: I'm not really interested in celebrities.
Favourite animal: DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE! Umm, I like owls. And dogs. And red-tail hawks. And butterflies.
Favourite song: Uso by SID. My favourite song in English is Fireflies by Owl City.
Favourite book: Too many... in no particular order...
Series: Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Animorphs (especially The Capture, not to be confused with the GOGH book of the same name), Harry Potter (especially Prisoner of Azkaban), The Last Wild trilogy.
Standalones: To Be a Cat, Sky Hawk, Frozen in Time.
I've probably forgotten some things...