
A while ago I was at my aunts house, on my way back home, on the same street, my fam and I passed by a house. That house belonged to my sister's childhood best friend. Unfortunately, I was a baby when this happened, but she died of a heart attack. She had a heart condition. My sister was heartbroken, and despite being a baby, I was there to comfort her. It makes me sad to know that even tho I never met her, she's gone. She was 15 and never had a chance to grow up. Years after her death, her family moved somewhere else far. I wonder how her family is doing now. Makes me cherish my family and the time we still have before they pass, too. If you have family that you love deeply, tell them you love them tonight, you never know when you'll lose them. 


A while ago I was at my aunts house, on my way back home, on the same street, my fam and I passed by a house. That house belonged to my sister's childhood best friend. Unfortunately, I was a baby when this happened, but she died of a heart attack. She had a heart condition. My sister was heartbroken, and despite being a baby, I was there to comfort her. It makes me sad to know that even tho I never met her, she's gone. She was 15 and never had a chance to grow up. Years after her death, her family moved somewhere else far. I wonder how her family is doing now. Makes me cherish my family and the time we still have before they pass, too. If you have family that you love deeply, tell them you love them tonight, you never know when you'll lose them. 


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Had a deep conversation with my favorite cousin. At first, it was awkward because I told him tht we should hang out like we used to when we were young, but then we started talking about deep stuff. As someone who has depression and anxiety, he doesn't know I have that, I'm very secretive when it comes to my favorite cousin because I don't want him to worry, but I told him I had dark times and he told me something beautiful. He told me wht ever dark thing I feel is to turn it into something beautiful, like my writing. He told me to never give up my writing and to keep going to make it beautiful. That stood with me because my favorite cousin and I r no longer close even tho we r kinda the same age. 22 and 23. It means so much to me his words. It gave me inspiration to keep writing and not give a shit about the reads because at the end of the day, my books are for me, to be creative and have fun, he's a very deep thinker, very sensitive and considerate, very understanding, thts why he's my favorite cousin. 


I'm writing a bleach vampire story. Would anyone be interested if I finish it? 


bxtchthicciee I'll try my best then :) 


Writers, how do u deal with constant writer's block? 


@Nitsa20 I heard a writer once say that writer's block stems from the fear of not being able to write good enough to one's expectations. But sometimes what we think may not be good could actually be great, and then of course there is always the beauty of editing afterward to perfect the blunders later lol I find listening  to music really helps to garner inspiration 