So I had anxiety attacks all summer. . . I bet you 10 dollars I used more energy then most y'all all summer as one attack is equal to running a marathon. . . i had at lease seven a month for three months. . . 21 i had at lest 21
Okay this is my only free time, but someone asked me why I don't have a therian book I update. I don't have anything to update it with. Sadly I'm one of few therians around and I'm pretty packed right now. I'm trying to fix that, but I'm not able to it seems. If you guys really want one I will try. Hope that made people happy. <3
YAY I"M ALIVE! Turns out that I most likely have an allergy. We don't know 100% since I haven't been tested, but I feel so much better after two days of allergy meds, the cough meds, and this three day med.
Hey guys I'm back! I had FFA comp (State aka the highest level for my comp) and we goth fourth out of 12! I'm so happy but exosted. I am going to try to be better at updating, but I had a story idea I'm going to do. Just you wait, because I am going to work hard on it!
I'm going to do fanfics/X readers again, but I have a few rules about it. 1.) I will quit if someone tries to push me around. 2.) you try to take over MY story. I work hard on each chapter and can/will not be nice if you try. 3.) Don't talk in my chapters sometimes. A girl get's board without followers talkin sometimes.