I- y’all never going to see me again. I was in class and I already know what to do so I started reading a wattpad in class and I thought I was muted and mattia was mad so I said “omg mattia fuck you mad for” and my teacher said sum and I looked up so quickly and I was UNMUTED
Okay so I got out of school 2 hours ago but I was doing homework. It was okay for the first half, then bitchies started unmuteing themselfs and it got annoying fast.
Broski I was having the best dream ever but it ended early so I’m just sitting here looking at my ceiling and waiting for it to get light outside so my alarm can go off.
Broski I start school in the morning and I lowkey just saw the students I’m in the class with... I can already tell this bout to be and annoying year. .