hey to my 11 followers! I need your opinions on something; I have a bunch of original stories that I want to be for so I'm thinking of using the paid stories thing on here. the problem is, I'm not sure if it's too soon or not. what do you guys think?
My brother, it has been so long. I wish only to know one thing. Will I am in Splatoon be finished? I want to stop waiting. And if it won't be, can I finish it?- it would be an honor.
@Insertcoolnamehere5 I know, I'm just really busy with work and I have major writer's block. I swear I'm working on it, but it's just taking me forever.
@vanillaice34 sorry, collage and work are killing me. I'll try to get back to it as soon as I can but have no idea how long it will take for the next chapter
hey to my 11 followers! I need your opinions on something; I have a bunch of original stories that I want to be for so I'm thinking of using the paid stories thing on here. the problem is, I'm not sure if it's too soon or not. what do you guys think?
@Nwill01 I've only seen the scarecrows so far cause I just got home from camping and I needed to work on my own stories but if they can't really kill the scarecrows then they're in trouble