
New chapter for DWTD coming soon, been busy with school cx


Making DWTD my main line story now. I have lots more work on the other two but I want to finish book one of the DWTD trilogy! Yes trilogy. There is so much more story >.> it ain't even funny. Also I expect the average chapters to add up to 50 to 60 a book. They're all about 700 words on average... e3e hm...perhaps I can cram more into the chapters cx dunno *shrug* anywho!- I will be sure to inform of the other updates like when a new story is released or when I'm close to done the first book. Have a good whatever time of day it is o3o


Delay for other books will be ending shortly. A new small rp piece will be added and explained once released. 
          Deal with the Devil shall be up within the week with a new chapter and more to carry after.
          The Ridge will be up once more as the story has been slowly developed. A new chapter up today or tomorrow.