
Silent tears I cry and silently it falls but you quietly came into my self made world, pulled down the fence and gave my life a new meaning..... I'm proud to say I love you


Saying today is gonna be remembered as one of the best days of my life is obviously not a lie. Can't remember how it was to feel peace, joy and glad in the house of the Lord. If I could relive every moment I'd do it a thousand times. From the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun there is nothing I want to change except the painful stomach ache. In your company I felt happy and forgot all my worries even if it was but for a while but I loved it. Looking forward to more amazing days like this or days better than this


The signs are there yet I ignore them. Of all people why must I have fallen for you. I wonder what would become of me and my one sided love. I think the best thing for everyone and for me is to let go,move on and forget the past


The days I spent with you I pray to forget. I wanna erase everything including your face,if anyone told me I'd ever fall for you I'd have never believed. Loving you was so easy and pulling away from you so hard. But with my determination I can do it and I'd do it. I know you feel I can't,I also feel that it's gonna be very hard but I am gonna do it cos there ain't any other choice. I feel like am dreaming and I hope to wake up from this dream very soon.


Can't seem to get u off my mind. Even when I close my eyes,I see an image of your face. Your voice,smile&laughter. It seems like it was just yesterday that I laid in your arms,feeling safe,warm and with no worries. Your tender arms cradled me as I slept while your hands playfully brushed my hair from my eyes. No matter how I try I just don't think I want to forget u. I would take this as my tender memories for u. I just can't bring myself to tell you how I feel for you,all I can do is keep the memories of u&I in my heart.