
Hello everyone. I am aware I have been inactive a lot. I kinda lost my writing urge. I apologize. I might start to write again as soon as I get past my writers block. I hope you all understand. c: also, thank you all for 200+ followers! It means a lot! Be looking forward to more books. 


Hello everyone. I am aware I have been inactive a lot. I kinda lost my writing urge. I apologize. I might start to write again as soon as I get past my writers block. I hope you all understand. c: also, thank you all for 200+ followers! It means a lot! Be looking forward to more books. 


I would like to apologize to everyone reading my ongoing series that had three books in.. I just thought that the plot of it was pretty dumb all in its self.. I am working on something knew with a better plot, but same concept. I hope you all understand and it will be published in the next week! 