
Making another account soon! Deleting my stories and this acc. Forever! Probably restarting all of my stories in that acc even "Our Past Our Future". Not sure when though. Msg me if u want the acc name when I make it! :D


YO GUYS! Need to say something. I wanna change my writing style... again. Sorry about that but I want it to make it as a light novel style. The way I write "The Zodiac 12" and "Is It Fate?" isn't really the best for me so i'm going to set a schedule and not post randomly. This will give me the chance to write for 6 days without leaving you guys in the dark. Only once a week I will post an update on these 2 stories with a new writing style, every Saturday, 6:00 pm EST. So Next Saturday, there will be an update on both stories with my new writing style. Thx Guys! :D