
Unpublished the latest chapter because I wanted to make it even longer with conversations I needed to make- Thank youuuuu ✨


It may be a lil tuff but it only took me so long to publish this chapter because I had already had 60% of it finished and merely wanted to brainstorm. Allot has been workshopped and allot more has been thoroughly thought through..can’t wait for you all to see it so soon! 


  It’s from a heavy slapping hand that I’m announcing that after months from me rewriting Arc 1 of my book that I will start rewriting the 2nd Arc of my book due to continuity issues and underlying issues with the writing of the arc as a whole. Although it will follow the same path it might be longer than it once was and introduce elements n explain others as best they can. Hope you don’t suffer like I will doing this! ✨


I kinda don't know how to react to this but uhhh ahaaaa...My Book has just reached a year old! Crazy that this day on the 5th of September I started writing as I was finishing look where its all come down to. For those that stayed from the start to those who've just started the journey I thank you for everything. May we meet again underneath a Forgone Star, Bye my Loves~!