So..... Yeah. You may be wondering why I haven't posted for months. (Probably not honestly), Well, to be honest, I jumped into this without any idea of what I was doing and with a temporary burst of will. I liked doing it for the first few days but I think I went to fast and wrote too much right off the bat, burning myself out quickly. I realized that this wasn't for me so I decided to quit.
Only now do I realize that I didn't explain to why I stopped writing, so I'm sorry to those who I kept waiting. I do have a thousand or so words on the next chapter for the reaction book and it would be a waste to not let that see the light of day, so I will get that finished and posted in the next few days.
Will I ever come back to write? Eh, probably not but we'll see. If I do it probably won't be the fanfiction style I did. Perhaps more historical or sci fi stories.
Oh, I will be active on Wattpad still, commenting and such, so you'll still see me around.
Well that's all folks, see ya.