For those that are curious for the sudden changes and being gone, I'd like to say thank you all for those who've stuck around reading my stories. I once announced that I'd continue but I found myself out of it already... It's been fun and I enjoyed every single writings I've done.. but I no longer feel the same for it anymore. I won't delete my account just for the sake of nostalgia. Rereading my one shot has been a ride of cringe and fun, it showed and reminded me how much I've grown. It also kind of saddens me that I'm not into it anymore... But happy that atleast I loved doing these back then. I just want to thank you all again, it's been fun for 9 years, reading and writing. It definitely has a place in my heart. With that, I'll be leaving now.
I honestly have no idea why I followed you. Hope you enjoy whatever life brings.