
Reborn will be on hold for a short while. It's only temporary, though. Just need another month to figure things out with my family.


I have had a delay in some chapters coming out this month. The thing is, I got a job. Yup, the thing in life that sucks energy out of your soul. But don't worry, I'm still releasing chapters of the books that I've promised, it just might take a bit longer. Hope you are patient. Thank you.


Question. Do any of you think I could write in third person, and the story would still be good?


@NoOneCaresSeriously Ma'am, if you can write spicy and soft fanfiction, I think you can write in third person and it'll be the best thing ever 


Currently working on chapter 37 of reborn. It's taking longer than expected because a certain someone decided to actually buy me a brand-new computer for Christmas, which I'm obviously super thankful for. I'm getting it done though, that's all that matters.  Also, about my story 'the deal', I'd like to announce that I'm also currently working on chapter 3. I want to take my time with that book, and I'm hoping that my readers will be patient and understand. <3