I will admit it is super upsetting how little the United States government values people with uteruses. It’s basic bodily autonomy. If a family member of mine needs an organ to save their life, I’m not forced to give it and if they die it’s not my fault. You can’t take organs from a corpse even if it will save someone’s life and the corpse isn’t using it. If I am being irresponsible in a car and hit someone and they need an organ I don’t have to give it even though I was responsible. (1)

If you don’t believe in abortion that’s fine; it’s your right not too. But don’t prohibit others from getting one. There is no point in forcing someone to give birth and taking away birth control. The overturn of Roe V. Wade was a huge impact on the rights of those with a uterus. And the Supreme Court won’t stop there, they’re going after all minorities. Everyone please be careful and stay safe, delete menstrual tracking apps because the information isn’t private and can be sold and used against you. (2)