
Hello . I love you stories 


@HoumanMV6  I have. This better not be no child hero insert in the Dc or Marvel universe. Because if it is, I would rather abstain from that idea.


            You see DC and marvel movies and animations and comics !?


@HoumanMV6  I dunno. What's the plot about?


I have an idea Like for one of the other males who survived the MK virus, one of the most bullied by Erika And her boyfriend and his friends group who All likely died from the disease in the book he's alive but he still has the disease but he is semi-conscious And releasing him from the pod would kill him But let's say in this world he's still dead. He bullied doji alongside his friends and girlfriend but after the virus hit his girlfriend Erica with a k didn't do well Or handled it well and I have my own take on what happened to her family and how led to her being the refugee district And from what I know she was paid by her boyfriend who was from a rich family to be with him as well as she literally lives off her family who also are wealthy and her boyfriend who has access to his trust fund But when the virus hit and things went belly up. I imagine her brother, father we're killed by it And her mother probably killed herself. After seeing two of the most important people in her life were killed by a virus The government can't stop and none of that the UW created it. No, I like the idea that the Doomsday cult izamami To bring forth the apocalypse they want and they probably prepared for it with the other mail they had with them And if certain men weren't in cryo at the time or were put in cryo But they were very peer review because they were dropping like flights and usually the most healthy, physically fit  Or top of the line they could get their hands on at a moment's notice because they were dropping like flies so you don't always get the mentally fit but just fit enough that they could be parents and do the job well And have a somewhat average level of attributes.Or it was a virus that was leaked out of a lab And Erica's mother probably blew her brains out after losing her husband and a son and Erica losing her boyfriend means that she had nowhere to go who became an addict as well as squandered her inheritance If money had value at the time


despite knowing about the Eastern Bloc style living conditions as well as the leadership also profiting from the crisis. Financially speaking being the worst thing that the mysterious heads have done in this version, especially Edwin Eden being he created different types of Androids that he had completed agricultural types electrical engineering types stuff that they're programmed in their databanks to do better than a human and sort of keeps the threads of society going And used a new type of currency that's essentially a world currency him the leadership and UW/ World State personnel and the males were able to benefit financially And I like that Male subject number 2 called beta also was more like translucent From the boys Amazon show and he chased after reito Love because She was spying And planting bugs in The UW district somehow and he was going to murder her if it wasn't for one of them. Pretty much hitting him with a car essentially or her taking him down with a piece of electricity due to being able to turn invisible due to a carbon material That reflects the light off his skin which carbon is highly conductive And was going to murder her because he thought she was working for the izanami what's left of them because the United militaries have been wiping them in other similar groups out till it's just the Japan and what's left of the Hong Kong Branch which that doesn't matter since. I do imagine the borders were redrawn and China is under the rule of the Taiwanese government due to having  almost no female leadership or politicians that are of high rank same with Hong Kong which probably was merged as well as Mongolia as well. North Korea pretty much collapsing under the weight of the outbreak after they smuggled in a ship contaminated food Naples as well as necessities which is how The black Lilith virus or Eve's curse got into the hermit Kingdom


Many male characters before the outbreak used to be nobodies and For a lack of a better word essentially losers before the outbreak and I like the idea that shota in this world along The help of Karen and her allies overthrew the Japanese emergency government who showed her in this one is semi-evil But doesn't act as an antagonist same as hino who's more of a scumbag if anything else in the story Kim and Karen decide to overthrow the Japanese branch of the world state in order to put himself And Karen in charge with her faction and The mutated/ superpowered male population And overthrow the Japanese branch of the world because they were A lot more morally questionable than the central authorities in New York City And like in Canada we're marked that now the bureaucrats are out of power they can do the appropriate measures in a A scene with him in his faction of superpowered and World State soldiers loyal to Karen and hino decided to not do that kind of stuff. You simply said he's going to check in at the Mandarin or go on vacation And chill for a few weeks till this stuff blows over In the 2050s when he proclaimed himself prime minister Even before that you had his goon squad, whether they be other male superhumans or Karen 's. Soldiers To bring him Erika who still became to slave and if the main character or his friends stood up to the soldiers despite working for them And they enjoyed The luxury and comfortable way of living


as well as asymptomatic carriers who spread the virus and existence of who was only found out when it was too late The federation of Nations more or less exterminated them or froze them To be used for research purposes along with normal infected when the virus stopped mutating after The virus ran out of male bodies to infect And to fuel its mutation they were trying to cure something they couldn't understand because it mutates daily changing the methods of transmission and they can't even pin it down as well as at some point downplaying it as a flu which isn't technically incorrect since it has flu-like symptoms in the early stages as well as unique symptoms like bloodshot or blood-filled looking eyes as well as to downplay the severity of the crisis by both the World health organization And other similar organizations on a national level to downplay the severity of the outbreak as well as to prevent mass panic except in this case they didn't know what the hell a disease was and they just thought it was a new type of flu and combative the same Wait people do during flu season with hand sanitizer and vaccinations And withhold whatever information they do have from the public to prevent civil unrest as well as the men who were Frozen well their pots show systems show when they were frozen which all seems to be before it And sometimes new arrivals during the outbreak being the newest ones and carriers And normal infected kept for research purposes In Eden facilities is kept in a different part of a facility as well as when information did came out, the panic probably caused it to spread much faster than it would have if the information never came out but the outcome would have been the same But The only difference is nobody knew about the project revival/solvation till long after the outbreak of course The biggest health organization calling it a flu probably made it not seem as bad And serious Because people don't take it serious began spreading it further


How on Earth do you update so many stories at once?! Haha mad respect man


@DDub707 Thank you. I appreciate the respect and encouragement.


@No_Body_Home oh I see! Still, mad respect for all the posting you do! 


@DDub707 Oh, these are stories that I did about...4 years ago. I just never edit them and then publish them as One-shots. Which most of these novels are. They're chains that tell a simple one-shot of Joshua's Hero's Journey.