
Can I just say some of my followers do the exact same thing I do, when I read a couple of differs books and I see a person in almost all of them I go and look at their account and the. Follow them. Do any of you do that?????? Am I jut insane and weird????? Also to all of the followers I have not said this to yet, welcome to hell enjoys your time here because you are here forever.  


@No_ship_will_sail Couldnt have said it better myself XD


Can I just say some of my followers do the exact same thing I do, when I read a couple of differs books and I see a person in almost all of them I go and look at their account and the. Follow them. Do any of you do that?????? Am I jut insane and weird????? Also to all of the followers I have not said this to yet, welcome to hell enjoys your time here because you are here forever.  


@No_ship_will_sail Couldnt have said it better myself XD


Thanks for the follow, lovely! :) :) :)     


You're so sweet!


Aww. Thank you! :)


Well I see you everywhere and just thought I love the comments that they post I am going to follow them


this message may be offensive
Does anyone else have something they have to have when they write or the writing will suck because I know that one of my friends has to have some type of screen running making noise even if it is just something stupid like saying one word for an hour, I know that I have to be listening to music when I write or the writing will suck. I know that anything written in school by me sucks because it is completely silent. I know all of this is kind of stupid, but someone I highly respected once told me that if you can write with something there, but not when it is not there, it is important no matter how small.