
happy new year to everyone


I almost forgot of this:
          This is a recording of the first 3 official minutes of the Faunus War, that started at 7:00AM of April 7 1963:
          On April 3 1963, the Ooarai Battalion (Miho's unit) left Atlas to join the Faunus United Front in their effort to gain an important law for Faunus Right.
          At 10:00PM of April 6, news came that the law has been suppressed and censored by both Atlas and Mistral, 10 minutes later, Miho sent her resignations from the Atlesian Military, followed by all her men.
          At 7:00AM of April 7, the Scottish Regiment of the St. Gloriana Division, under the command of Major Minerva "Lion Minnie" McGonagall (yes, that McGonagall), started playing their bagpipes playing their Battle Songs in front of the Tower of the Mistralian Council, followed by 300 Scottish Soldiers entring the Tower and seizing it. That marked the official beginning of the Faunus War. The Declaration came only 3 minutes later.


Since you already anticipated that the cast would have reacted to the Battle of Fort Castle, here's the opening moments of the actual fight (you can create the scene of Lagune planning his famous attack, since there's no testimony of how that unfolded in Miho's memories)
          When Lagune made his famous night attack, he and his men advanced in a single line, expecting nothing to happen and reached about 300 meters from the first line of trenches. 
          Unbeknown to those poor bastards, Miho was standing right in front of them staring down the attacking Humans with her single eye left, her fox ears moving to catch every clue she missed with her eye.
          Lagune's forces couldn't see her because of the night, but she, being a Faunus, could see them really well. And could hear them as well. She could hear the fear in some soldiers's voices.
          Before Lagune's forces could actually realize that she was standing right there and already saw them, Miho turned to the trench right behind her, drew out her weapon, a Zweihander Sword that was as big as her, pointed the sword HOLDING IT WITH ONLY ONE HAND, and shouted "COME ON, YOU SONS OF BITCHES! DO YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER!?" and literally charging at Lagune himself with the arms already charging the strike with the sword...
          The Faunus charged right after her and the fight unfolded in full strenght. The Humans, not expecting this simply were taken by surprise and what was originally an ordinated line quickly transformed into a chaotic blob of people trying to survive while the enraged Faunus stroke at every enemy soldier that failed to get to safety.
          After two hours of merciless fight, more than 20.000 Human Soldiers were dead, with only 1.000 Faunus dead or injuried, General Lagune was captured and later returned during a Prisoner Excange in 1966, a year after his capture.


Another anegdote of Miho's life (one of my all favourite too). This happened in 1953, at the celebration of the 5° anniversary of the end of the Remnan Great War.
          THIS IS TOO GOOD FOR THE CAST NOT TO REACT TO IT (at least, in my opinion)...
          See, during the Great War, Miho saw that Ozius (Ozpin's incarnation of that time) acted a bit weird, sending troops in expeditions to location that are not habitated, nor important for the war, and wanted to know why did he send those expeditions so, during that party, on April 19 1953, after 5 years of careful planning, she made her move.
          While the others were partying like hell, she went talking to Ozius and brought him aside in a neighbouring bar (she wanted privacy for what she was going to do, and the party was way too crouded).
          Once there, she started paying him drinks, knowing that Ozius had a really low tolerance to alcohol and a really loose thongue when drunk, while she, being German and used to drinking a lot, would remain sober for the most part.
          Once Ozius was drunk enough, she started her spree of questions, and Ozius simply talked, telling her EVERYTHING. About Salem, the Maidens, the Relics and the Shadow War, he told Miho EVERYTHING from his birth as Ozma to the current day, even the things he and Salem did in bed and all possible embarassing stories of his life.
          Satisfied, Miho left Ozius in that bar, drunk as hell.
          When Ozius woke up the next day, he didn't remember ANYTHING about what happened at the party nor his conversation with Miho. And Miho kept it a secret, only talking about this with her most trusted officers, her husband, Nicholas Schnee, and her daughter Willow.


Hi, I promised to send you some anegdotes about Miho's story for the RWBY cast to react to.
          I've already sent you Miho's first encounter and her first impressions about "Old Thunder", but now I send you the whole chapter


            And don't even get me started about the second edition, that includes the following 80 years lived in Remnant


            As you could see, this was chapter 259 and it was set some months before D-Day... 
            You can imagine how much is the total of chapters in that book
            In fact, Miho's memoirs come in 3 different volumes because, otherwise, the book would be too big to be transported (and Miho holds the original diaries, that are more than 50 different diaries, written in more than 6 years of war)


I think you can figure out the whole scene in detail starting from the chapter itself


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I have a hilarious idea about the next reaction chapter (apart from the Ice Princess and the Yokai, that I'd like to see how it goes):
          Drachinifel, "The voyage of the Damned". Literally the mad adventures of a Russian Fleet that have to go from the Baltic Sea all the way around Africa to fucking Japan in 1905 to retake Port Arthur.
          I know, it's not your average type of reaction, but it's so absurd and frustrating that it's hilarious.


            I'll send you the link for the video, don't worry:
            Trust me, you'll love this. You'll or become frustrated, or you'll laugh your belly out.


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  well. it seems i have to open some history books