I don't think people are really interested in your stories unless you tell them what they are about...So I guess I'll have to give you a synopsis.
Milly is about a girl named Milly who is trying to start a career as a writer, make it in a high school with an advanced writing program where her 84% aaverage is failing. And also ingnore her super annoying little sister and the fact that she is not known by anyone in her school, she's practicly invisable. I hope you can get around to check it out!
Next is 2012.
It's about a girl named Lu. She is told by her sister that she's going to die the day the Mayan calander ends. Suddenly she starts to find herself juggling near death situations, a boyfriend, visits to alien planets, and a secret that will crumple her current life.
And lastly, maybe you could check out Random Stories.