
I got it!!


Thank you for all the votes and comments you’ve left on my book!


@NoahSkitsune_Bi lol i hope my book wasn’t too crummy. I think it’s bad but I’m glad you think it’s good^^


@A-AM3RICA np! I love reading a good book once every 2 seconds.


Hello followers thank you so much for the support and everything it really helps me a lot!
          But anyways let's get this straight to the point I wanted to make this announcement right now while I'm still deciding on that so this month is birth month which means it's soon going to be my birthday and a couple of weeks, it depends.
          But anyways I wanted to make a couple of announcements sorry that I keep doing announcements that night it's more of a flow of how my day goes...
          But mostly I won't be posting any chapters on what's wrong with me I will be focusing on the book that has been doing wonderfully ever since it's been announced, I think?
          My experiment book that I made a while ago it has  a 100 reads thanks so much!!
          But anyways let me stop talking and make this real quick I'll be focusing on fixing a little bit of the book and making it a little better I won't be taking it down like I did last time it's just going to be on hold for a little bit I had chapter 10 up but I forgot to post it so whoopsies.
          But until then I will keep you posted and what I'm doing even though half the time no one's really listening but that's okay!


Okay I know it's late BUT I have random thought?!
          It's about Tommy and an upcoming book I'm making it is taking forever....
          I think Tommy will be a lust and wrath demon because he's have a hard time finding love, I think?
          I need help deciding because I keep thinking about it!!
          I'm calling this random facts with Noah 




@01010101hi well woof to you too