Wassupppp, If you didn't know, My name is Noah and I LOVE cats. So, storytime! I have three cats and one got pregnant and last night she had baby kittens... Guys... I LOVE THEM!!! THEIR ALL SO SMALL AND CUTE AND IT JUST- RAHH!! It's really good for me because I've been emotinally depressed since my gf who I loved broke up with me and got a boyfriend (I'm gay and she's pan) and having such cute, small, adorable things in my life really lifted my spirits! I understand I only have 3 followers but that still makes me happy! So thank you all for just pressing that follow button, I love you guys!<3

That's cool! I take French but I'm not quite the expert at it... I only know a few basic things... Lol

@Noah_Kocho YAAAYYY!! CATS! (me too, i have a female cat named Hoshi and 2 kittens, Vanille and Chocolat ((it's french ^^))