Some times, we forget to relish the simple things in life. The things we take for granted, because we never got them taken away from us. Our freedom. The fact that we're able to make choices, even if they're the smallest. The people that surround us, and that'll do anything for us. The cashier, that every time we leave, makes sure to bid us a good day. The person that asked us how we're doing, and if we're okay. That one person that believed in us. The fact that our lives are pretty comfortable, because of our advancement in technology and such. The fact that we can walk around feeling safe, even if it's just sometimes. Even the fact that we were born, that the world decided to give us a chance in life, in love. We take these things for granted, because we never got them taken away from us. That's what we know, and so, it seems normal to us. While a person sees something as a wonder, another person can see it as just another thing, because they know it, and so it seems insignificant to them. The little things in our lives are the things that make the most impact on them, and the things that we should be most grateful for. Without these little things, that seem so easy to ignore and dismiss, our lives wouldn't be as they are. These little things are the key for the bigger things, the built ground, the support that's waiting for us to build on it whatever we want. Without them, the whole building will fall down, and we'll be left with nothing. Remember them, and cherish them. Because no matter what, these little things are here for you, and they're the things that will give you the strength to become who you want to be, and who you can be. And also, remember that just as much as these little things affect you, they affect the other people in your life and beyond it, too. Be nice. When you see someone looking sad or troubled, approach them. Ask if they're okay. Bid people a good day, you never know what difference that makes. And most of all