Hello everybody, it's been a while. I know that I've been lacking in updates for these past few months. Unfortunately, this message isn't some good news about me returning. But rather, I just wanted to officially declare my indefinite hiatus.
It's not that there is a problem with my life. The answer is actually surprisingly simple: I've been burnt out. Even though I have all the ideas I need, I just didn't have the motivation to write.
Secondly, I've realized how narrow and childish my writing was. The chapters I've thought to have been great back then was now just cringe and near illegible. The older I've become, the more these flaws became apparent. This especially struck me when I've read some fics by absolutely phenomenal writers. After reading their stories, I've found out some glaring issues all my stories had.
So rather than just making new chapters, I want to focus on improving my older chapters, fleshing the writing and the characters. But even that could take a while.
But I don't want to leave any of you guys hanging, so I am making an offer. If you guys are truly curious on what these stories were going to lead up to, send me a private message and I will try my best to answer them. But be warned, this is heavy spoiler territory. If you only want minor spoilers, please say so in your questions.
Thank you guys so much for following me all these years. I am going to try my best to improve my writing as much as I can. See you guys until then!
-Noble, signing out!