
Hi Wattpad friends! I just posted a short story on Vocal.  Please check it out when you have time.


Stumbled upon your Robber Knight fan fiction, which led me to look for the original series. Thank you for that... Rob Thier is wonderful!
          About to sit down to read your only other wattpad story. Wish there was more! Where can I find you online?


I'm trying something new to try to monetize my writing. Because The Robber Knight's Protégée is fanfiction, it will stay on Wattpad for your reading pleasure. However, my other fiction is going to mostly disappear. I may post new original fiction in the future.


          I just posted the beginning of a re-vamped version of On the Other Side of the Great Divide. I'm totally in love with this story, and I hope you will love it too. Please give it a read. Thanks a gazillion.


Hello to the wonderful world of Wattpad. It has been a while since I logged on, and I was pleasantly surprised to see so many new votes and comments on my stories. I've been writing like crazy lately, and I would love to post something fresh on Wattpad. The trouble is, I tend to peter out after I get partway through a story because I get distracted by a new story idea. Lol.
          Anyway, thanks so much for the love. ♥ I hope everyone is staying well.


Hi joy, I hope you will keep writing. I so enjoyed the Robber knight’s Protege. I hardly think of it as fan fiction because it is so much more.  An undiscovered gem on Wattpad.


Ha ha... someday you will get halfway and decide, “I just HAVE to see how this one ends!”


@Picturina Thank you so much for your kind words! I've been busy writing lately, but I have the horrible habit of half-writing a book before a new idea distracts me.